Keynote Addresses, Speeches and Seminars

Competency International consultants frequently speak on issues related to competency assessment, development and applications to audiences around the world.

Topics Include

  • Using competency-based methods to assess and develop top talent
  • Assessing and developing emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • Developing Competency Models: Competency Interviewing, Coding and Data Analysis
  • Calculating HR program economic value added (EVA) and ROI
  • Succession Planning

Recent Presentations and Keynotes

Emmerling, R. J. (2016, January). Assessing and Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. Presented at the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Emmerling, R. J. (2011, September). Emotions and Organizational Change. Presented at the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Emmerling, R. J. (2011, March). Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies: Best Practices to Ensure a Positive ROI. Keynote address given to the First Conference on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain.

Emmerling, R. J. (2010, March). Emotional Intelligence 2010: Clarifying Constructs to Improve Leadership Research and Practice. Keynote address given to the 3rd Global Emotional Intelligence Forum.  Mumbai, India.

Emmerling, R. J. (2010, February). El modelo de competencias de Inteligencia Emocional. Presented to the Centro Europeo de Coaching Ejecutivo (University of Valencia), Valencia, Spain.

Emmerling, R. J. (2009, April). How Emotional Intelligence Competencies Drive Performance.  Keynote address given at the 2nd Global Emotional Intelligence Forum.  Mumbai, India.

Emmerling, R. J. (2008, April).  Assessing Emotional and Social Competencies in the Workplace. Presentation given to the 13th Human Resource Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.

Emmerling, R. J. (2008, Jan.). Emotional and Social Competencies in the Workplace.  Keynote address given to the 1st Global Emotional Intelligence Forum.  Mumbai, India.

Emmerling, R. J. (2007, Sept).  Developing EI-Based Models for Use in the Workplace. Presentation given to the I Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional. Malaga, Spain.

Emmerling R. J. (2007, May). Guidelines for Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace.  Keynote address given to the International Emotional Intelligence and Communication Symposium. Izmir, Turkey

Emmerling, R.J. (2005, June).  Training Tomorrow's Leaders: Developing the EI of Business Students. Presented to the Nexus EQ Conference. Egmond an Zee: Holland

Emmerling, R.J. (2005, April).  Emotional Intelligence and Resonant Leadership: Best Practices for Developing Emotional Intelligence. Presented to the 2005 CALL Leadership Retreat: Lake Tahoe: California.

Emmerling, R.J. (2004, December).  Developing the Emotional Intelligence of Leaders. Keynote address presented to the 1st National Forum on Emotional Intelligence.  Mexico City, Mexico.



About Us

Competency International is a research and consulting group dedicated to the application of scientifically validated techniques to the management of human capital in organizations. Committed to advancing the science of motive and competency assessment, application and development, our consultants adhere to the highest standards of ethics and practice.

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  • @RobEmmerling frequently posts tweets related to assessment and development of competencies in the workplace.